The band
Paul's pictograph in its new home (aka our backyard).
Luke and Aunt Mary in the early morning
The hikers
In late March we drove over to Buckeye, AZ to visit my dad and Terry. Great-grandma Carolyn, Uncle Bruce and my Aunt Mary also came over. We had a great time! Luke loved playing with all the rocks in the front yard and "talking" with the birds upstairs (his aviary "aunts").
Dad, Paul, grandma, Bruce and Mary all went for a hike to an outcropping my dad discovered. It is full of pictographs from our Native American ancestors.
On Saturday night, we had a concert in the garage, as dad, Bruce and Paul played their guitars and sang for us. It was a blast!
It was a long drive for the little guy, but we are glad we made it.
Thanks for having us over, Dad and Terry!