Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's been awhile...

Luke is doing great. He's growing (see sidebar) and talking up a storm. His new favorite thing is to "talk about my day Mama". Morning or night (or mid-afternoon), we go over his day and everything he did, where he went, who he saw, what he ate, etc. He invites me to sit down with him at breakfast so we can talk about his day. At bedtime, he wants to know about the following day. I think he's learning about time (yesterday, today, next week) but it's also giving him a sense of security - he knows what to expect and can be prepared.

About 8 weeks ago I went back to work 2 days a week. This meant Luke started "pre-school" a little earlier than planned. He has done great with the transition. He loves his teachers (particularly Miss Lindsey) and has made friends. In fact, we ran into a friend at the local nursery and I had my first "wow, he has a whole separate life from me" moment. We saw a little boy near the pond. Luke walked over to him and said "hi Tyler". The boy replied, "hi Luke". The boy's dad and I looked at each other wondering, "do they know each other?". We put 2 and 2 together and they are in the same class at school. I was amazed by Luke's social skills and confidence. In the car I asked him, "do you play with Tyler at school?" "No." "Why not?!" "He hit me." "Oh..." I guess I wouldn't want to play with him either. : )